July 2, 2009

WorldChanging and TED

Ok, time for a break from the tech for a little inspiration. I read somewhere that whenever we do something that fills us with enthusiasm, we are going in the right direction, and as far as I can see it, inspiration is the source of enthusiasm.

The first site is a blog I have been following for a while and is a place where I have discovered loads of the things that people are doing to make the world a better place. For those who haven't been to WorldChanging you should definitely drop in for a visit sometime, there are some great ideas there and it is updated daily with more and more from around the world.

The second site is one that I've only discovered recently and that is TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design - Ideas worth sharing). TED has a ton of videos recorded from some of the worlds best designers, engineers, academics, entreprenuers etc talking about what they are really passionate about. This site isn't necessarily devoted to climate change or any particular topic, it is just a collection of ideas from some very bright people.

Anyway, I just thought that I should share these to sites with you all so that you can enjoy them too. I have already had a heap of ideas about kite powered wind energy, electric cars on mobile phone style plans and the fundamentals of design to name a few :)

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